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Product Operations Consultant & Coach
Antonia is a Product Operations Consultant & Coach, and one of the top voices in European Product Operations. She’s a firm believer in enabling product organizations to achieve Product Excellence with the power of Product Ops - whether as an independent function or a shared responsibility. A leader in her field, she’s on a constant mission to enable Product teams to do their best work by providing them with the tools, frameworks, and methodologies they need to succeed, while also enabling Product Ops practitioners to get better at what they do. She's a community person at heart and loves bringing people together, and leads Germany’s only meet-up for Product Operations. Antonia has written for publications like LeadDev, Mind the Product, and Product-Led Alliance, and is a seasoned conference speaker, podcaster, and panelist.
11 April 2024 09:00 - 09:30
Team of one, master of none - Navigating loneliness and success as a solo product ops practitioner
Whether you’re in your first Product Ops role or whether you’re a seasoned practitioner, being a team of one can be tough to navigate. Not having any teammates and bearing the full responsibility of planning and executing all Product Operations motions requires resilience, patience, and a cool head - and even then it can sometimes go terribly wrong. But there are ways to thrive amidst the chaos! In this talk we’ll take an honest look at the difficulties faced by teams of one, how you can protect yourself from the most common pitfalls, and push your organization to new heights. Learn to be fiercely protective of your time, find your allies, and move mountains - one improvement initiative at a time.